Formations - Technifutur Formations - Technifutur

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12 personnes
5 jours
Public cible
PJM-225 - Project Management Leading Practices: The New PMI®

1. Demonstrate understanding of the knowledge and skills to lead and direct project teams to deliver results that clearly contribute to value for the business within established parameters.
2. Acknowledge responsibility for tailoring all aspects of the project for the life of the project and not only lead and direct the project, but also engage all team members from predictive to adaptive.
3. Understand how to ensure that all of the aspects of the project plan are developed and executed and that progress and variances are properly addressed and communicated in different contexts.
4. Become acquainted with the PMBOK© Guides’ process groups, knowledge areas, as well as principles and performance domains.
5. Familiarize yourself with the new format of the PMP® Examination and study material


The course addresses new and experienced project managers, as well as experienced project managers who need to update their PMI standard knowledge and senior managers who supervise project initiatives.

Also for project managers who wish to establish eligibility for the PMP® Certification Exam.



En raison des contraintes sanitaires que nous rencontrons actuellement, les prochaines sessions seront données en distanciel avec possibilité de les suivre depuis Technifutur® (participants à Technifutur® et formateur à distance).

Nos formateurs (société Valense Ltd, ATP (Authorized Training Partner), accrédités par PMI rencontrent un grand succès avec ce type de formations en distanciel.

Reconnue et accréditée par PMI, cette formation se veut être interactive et participative en mélangeant théorie et de nombreux exercices pratiques. Elle peut être suivie en français ou en anglais avec supports de cours en français ou en anglais.
Seminar Outline

In the last decade, most organizations have adopted project management as the method of choice to implement organizational strategies and manage change. Project management is ideally suited to manage short-term, resource-limited actions in a complex and turbulent environment.

This highly interactive 35-hours seminar is based on PMI®’s “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” 6th and 7th Editions as well as the Agile Management Practice Guide. It constitutes the minimal education requirements for the "Project Management Professional" certification (PMP®) issued by the PMI®. We will also review the PMI’s Exam Prep material to prepare you for the PMP® Exam.

Through an interactive mix of theory and practical exercises, the learning experience promotes the overall understanding of today’s organizational project environment. Participants develop a shared common project vocabulary to run projects that align to the PMI® framework that includes Predictive, Hybrid, and Adaptive approaches.

Manon Deguire has been delivering project management courses leading to certification for more than 15 years and her students have had a high rate of success passing the PMP© Exam.

Schedule and content
Day 1
  • The Project Management Institute & Certification
  • Context and Framework
  • Initiating
Day 2
  • Planning
Day 3
  • Executing, Monitoring and Controlling
  • Closing
Day 4
  • Agile & Hybrid Project Management
  • PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition
  • PMP® Exam Prep Review

Day 5

  • PMP® Exam Prep Review
  • 50 Question Exam and review

Inscription en ligne

Formation planifiée à Technifutur® pour plusieurs entreprises reprenant le contenu et la durée de la fiche formation

Lieu de la formation :

Technifutur - Liège Science Park

rue bois saint-jean 15-17


Prix : À venir

Dates disponibles :

Aucune date disponible

Formation à planifier pour une entreprise dans ses locaux ou à Technifutur® reprenant le contenu et la durée de la fiche formation

Prix : À venir

Durée :
5 jours

Formation construite entièrement sur-mesure pour une entreprise (Contenu, durée, lieu de formation, etc.)

Prix : Sur demande

PJM-225 - Project Management Leading Practices: The New PMI®

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Participant 8

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